CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack Download


In case you have been searching high and low for the Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR) Bluetooth driver for Windows 7, I managed to find both the 32- bit (x86) and 64bit (x64) versions for Windows 7. I had a CSR v4.0 Bluetooth dongle that looked like the above photo. It came with a CD, but the CD did not work, hence, I had to search online for a compatible Bluetooth driver for my PC running on Windows 7.

All I know, was that my Bluetooth dongle was detected as a “CSR 8510 A10” device in Windows 7, with the wording “CSR v4.0” and “Bluetooth V4.0” on the box that came with it. So, if you had simliar bluetooth dongle and was trying to find a driver, I hope this one will help you in making it work. I know it worked for me 🙂 So here’s a quick instruction for installation:

1) Remove all the Harmony bluetooth software that you may already have via the Programs & Features in Control Panel

2) Reboot your PC/notebook

3) Run the setup.exe according to the OS type (32-bit or 64-bit) that you have installed.


4) If you see a User Account Control dialog, answer “Yes”.

5) Following through the installation, choosing “Yes”, “Next”, “Ok” etc.

6) Let Windows Update find the rest of the auxiliary device drivers to support the Bluetooth device that is now detected. Be patient, it will take a little while.

7) You should see the Bluetooth icon on your system tray.

8) Find your bluetooth device via the Bluetooth system tray ” Add Bluetooth Device”.

9) Follow through the usual pairing and you should be on the way to use your Bluetooth dongle!

Get the drivers that I have put up in Gleescape by clicking here (x86) or here (x64). 🙂

Do let me know whether it worked for you, and do like Gleescape.com to be updated with technology news and sharing!

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6 years ago

wow, it is working and well, Thank you very much.I bough my bluetooth kit many years ago and it never words, when i bough it the dish was empty and i download a driver on the net and never worked but when i have seen all the good comment about your work i did decide to give a tried and it is working, WOW WOW WOW Thank again

Douglas R. Hawkins
Douglas R. Hawkins
7 years ago

I used your software to install the app; it worked seamlessly. Obviously I was very pleased especially in light of the fact that I previously failed miserably using the factory supplied software disk. A paradox? You bet, and on you I will wager in the future.

7 years ago

I have a problem error 1935 during the installation what can I do?

7 years ago

The version linked up in the article is really old. I got mine from a german reseller:

This is Version

Hope it helps

7 years ago

hi again
no response since yesterday but i think it’s normal..
just to tell everybody that it works so well with the toshiba bluetooth stack !!!

7 years ago

everything is good when i install the bluetooth but when i add my speakers, i can but they connect/disconnect every second…what can i do ?
thks !

7 years ago

it’s work well to install the bluetooth but when i turn on my speakers, it connect/disconnect every second..what can i do ?
under win 7 64bits..and a bluetooth smsl AD18…
thks !

7 years ago

somebody Please help..

i have problem.

1.in control panel-bluetooth setting i cant turn radio on with error “device unvailable.

setting cannot be saved”

2. i can connect to my smartphone or headset but i can not send file or recieve file.

i fave follow every step to instal the driver

nb:windows 64 bit

7 years ago

Please somebody!!
i have installed the driver but ive still got the problem.

1. i cant add device in bluetooth tray.( i can add device through “0device and printer” but i cant send or recieve file from my smartphone.

2. in control panel i tried to “turn radio bluetooth on” but ive got error message “device unvailable. setting can not be saved”

7 years ago

it worked thank you man!!!

7 years ago

> It came with a CD, but the CD does not work

Even worse, the CD contains SPYWARE:

CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack injects weak root certificate into trust store

Leo Kidd
Leo Kidd
7 years ago

Your download version is I understand there’s a new version but I can’t seem to find it. Any suggestions on where I can get it or even if it’s worth upgrading?

Reply to  Leo Kidd
7 years ago

took me F O R E V E R… but *finally* found CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack here: http://www.cablematters.com/download/BT/Bluetooth_4.0_Adapter_Driver_CD.zip — download while you still can!!

** installed & verified that it is the correct version **

7 years ago

Hey, finally found the driver (again)
But while trying to install it I get the error message that the licencse key is already expired and I should get the new version. Now I already had the driver installed but had to unistall it, because the dropped suddenly in quality and reboots and repluging the stick didnt work. Now I cant reinstall the driver, anybody got some idea what could be wrong?

Giovanni from Italy
Giovanni from Italy
7 years ago

It worked for me, too. Finally I could connect my JBL Charge 3 to my laptop with Windows 7 64bit.
Thank you very much.

Giovanni from Italy
Giovanni from Italy
7 years ago

It wWorks for me, too. Finally I could connect my JBL Charge 3 to my laptop with Windows 7 64bit.
Thank you very much.

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